Saturday, 31 October 2015

Mobile Clinic 流动診所

Our Singa Care Medical Mobile Clinic which travels throughout the island to serve all as long as you believe and understand that TCM helps. We serve both the young, old and the high, low income earners and housewives with no income etc. SCM is for all, to benefit all.
Any interested old folks home can contact us on our Mobile Clinic, and we will arrange time slot to provide long term Traditional Chinese Medication and Acupuncture, to better their health condition.
若有兴趣的老人院可以联络我们的流动診所團队,安排时间为老人提供長期中医中药针灸治疗, 協助老人可以中药長期调养以达到控制病情,避免恶化,有机会康复和增强体貭。