Sunday, 3 May 2020


In view of the adjustments of the Circuit Breaker measures, Singa Care Medical will be resuming normal operational hours from 5 May. In accordance with guidelines provided by the Ministry of Health (MOH), the following measures and regulations will be put in place:

·       Essential TCM services, limited to consultation, herbal prescription, acupuncture is provided as adjuvant treatments for patients with eg. cancer and chronic conditions with recent relapses and/or poor control.

·       Acupuncture treatment to be performed on only one patient at any one time in the clinic. No concurrent treatments allowed, even in separate rooms.

·       Acupuncture treatment is restricted to once a week per patient on an appointment basis, each session not exceeding 40 minutes.

·       Mask must be worn at all times throughout acupuncture sessions.

·       Non-essential TCM services eg. Aesthetic and wellness services for weight-management and hair loss management, rehab and maintenance treatments, stable sports injury, and stable skin conditions are to be postponed until further notice.

·       Acute conditions and new patients are to postpone appointments until further notice.

·       Patients displaying respiratory symptoms such as fever, coughs, runny nose, sore throat, loss of smell are to approach Public Health Preparedness Clinics (PHPC) for treatment and diagnosis.

Exercising social responsibilities are crucial in our fight against the COVID-19 pandemic. Singa would like to wish for the safety and health of all our patients and patrons.
Thank you.